Amplifying Minds

Learning and Growing Together

The Summer Experiment

Cross posted from the Facebook page, “It’s All About Books.”

summer experiment

Got my hands on an advance copy of The Summer Experiment  by Cathie Pelletier last night and I read it in a couple of hours. (I am a fast reader.)  As I read, I kept thinking, “Oh, Katie will enjoy that part.” Or “That sounds like something I might have said as a youngster.”  Or I can’t wait to share this with my kids!” (I said that multiple times–I have many kids who will love it.) The one thing I didn’t like was the title….I didn’t think it did the book and story justice.   I really enjoyed the story, and wish I could share it now with my kids, though it will be an awesome one to do later in the year  as we approach summer, too.
The characters are well-developed enough (Grandpa rules!) that I cared about them and will remember them…I even shed a few tears at one point. I laughed out loud as well…so what can make a book better? I really loved the main character, Roberta–reading the story through her words and thoughts was so realistic…and so honest, I wished I could have had her as a friend when I was 11 years old.
Living at the very tip of northern Maine, she readily admitted her life was more like the childhood of her parents and grandparents, but iPhones and the Internet were part of the story. The innocence, though, and the freedom the kids enjoyed was a reminder of times gone by in most areas. It’s a great story of acceptance, grace, sibling rivalry and connections and knowing when to push growing up.

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One thought on “The Summer Experiment

  1. beckyfisher73 on said:

    So, you don’t like the title – what would you change it to if you were the decider on the title?

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